Den bästa beskrivningen av EA, vad det är och varför det är viktigt, har vi hittat på Youtube. Skaparen heter Gerben Wierda och han skapade denna tillsammans med mediabyrån New Narrative.
Videon hittar du här. Den är strax under 4 minuter och väl värd att se flera gånger. Ett tips är att använda den för att introducera och beskriva verksamhetsarkitektur i din organisation.
Han beskriver videon så här:
Meet Michael, he works at a your company. He needs support from IT to do his job, so they cater to his wishes. But Michael is not alone and many Michaels later a Hairball Architecture will grow unless you use Enterprise Architecture (EA) to prevent that. EA is not just about some guidelines and principles, it is a process that makes sure the constant changes that inevitably happen in your landscape are good for your company as a whole and over time, not just good for the problem at hand. The animation stresses the chaos-prevention goal of enterprise architecture and only touches lightly on the fit-for-the-future goal of enterprise architecture (at the end). Some architects (see comments below) say it wrongly depicts EA as too much about IT. I've posted a longer reply here: The animation and narrative was created by New Narrative ( based on interviews with me (the underlying message is mine, the way it is presented has been designed by New Narrative, I OK'ed the final script). This animation can be freely used 'as is'. If you want an adapted version, please contact me for the approval (as I represent the publishing rights, and you will need to work with New Narrative for changes (as they are the owner of the animation). McDonalds and the Bank of Scotland are some of the organisations that have made customised versions for internal use. If you use this for your practice, I'd appreciate that you let me know. I know of several large enterprises that are now using this. If you want to know more about the philosophy behind this video, go to